Anchor Modifications
There are a bunch of changes that I made to Anchor to fix or implement features. Here are some of the changes:
There are a bunch of changes that I made to Anchor to fix or implement features. Here are some of the changes:
This blog uses the very lightweight CMS Anchor. Now, when I set it up, I googled 'lightweight PHP blog', clicked the first link, and installed it. However, in retrospect it probably wasn't the greatest idea. For one, while Anchor is on version 0.9.2, and says in multiple places that it's still in development, work began on 1.0 over a year ago, and it looks like it's relatively dead. One result of this is there are a bunch of features that are missing or broken. Also, the basic themes are a little rough.
I'm now finally starting to get back into working on What's Line?, the name that I finally settled on for the app that keeps track of line. Some of the functionality has changed, which will become clear as I continue working through the mockups. For now, I removed a bunch of the features so that I can work on getting the core tasks done, and a working app out by the end of the summer. The rest can be added in later.
I write a bunch of quick Python programs that interact with Banner. However, for a while now it's been a pain trying to login, as Banner requires you to be using cookies, and have JavaScript enabled (difficult to do with Python). However, after a bit of work I found out how they were ensuring JavaScript was enabled (a very simple setting of cookie), and mimicked that. I packaged this all up into a Python module, and added it to PyPi, so it can now be installed on your computer!
Finally summer break, and I'm done with my freshman year. There's a bunch of projects that I've started but then pushed off, and now's the time to start kicking them into gear.
Right after I made the post I got in contact with the school in regards to fixing it. After 5 days, the problem is solved! Yay!
This is just a quick update on where DartmouthRoomSearch is. It finally comes up on the first page of Google when you search "dartmouth room search"! And it's first! I've been using Google Analytics to track hits, which has been interesting.
There's a security problem with Banner. It's not huge, and the system does have safeguards against it, but they aren't tailored to the problem. The problem comes about with "Request an Unofficial Transcript - PDF version". The web version is fine: you need to be logged in to access that. The PDF version, however, sends a copy to your email. Seems okay, right? Wrong.
I recently got my USB adapter for the Kinect in the mail. I set it up, and the USB device wasn't recognized. I downloaded the SDK 2.0 from here and got to work. You have to unplug the Kinect, run the software, and then plug it back in. Now it recognizes as a Kinect (note that I had to use a USB3.0 spot for it).
Using an XBox One Kinect and the adapter for USB, you should be able to take a mapping and use the SDK to make a 3D model of you. I'll get it and see if it's possible.