Dartmouth Banner Redesign - Part 3 (The Fix)

A good way to reorganize the chaos that is Banner is to sort all of the links into the main purposes. There are a few main reasons that people go onto Banner:

  • Courses (what's available, what their schedule is, signing up for classes, etc.)
  • Grades (finding out their grades, seeing citations, transcripts, etc.)
  • Finance (checking payment, da$h amounts, financial aid, etc.)
  • Housing (figuring out where they live, choosing a room, etc.)
  • Degree (deciding on major, etc.)
  • Useful Links (verifying you're on campus, finding out dean, contact information, reserving rooms, etc.)

There are a lot of other changes that need to happen though. Overall, here's how I'm imagining things will break down.


Financial Aid Menu / 1098T - Tuition Statement
Has a link for each year that you've been enrolled in the school. For each year you can view the award letter for that year, the status of the financial aid paperwork for that year, and your tuition statement.

DA$H Card Account Has records of all transactions and current amounts for the four accounts linked to your DiD.

D-Pay - Dartmouth's Electronic Billing and Payment System/D-Pay: Request a Refund All D-Pay including requesting refunds and payment.


Major/Minor Dashboard
A separate page of declared majors/minors and plans.

DegreeWorks (Degree Audit and Program Planner)
A separate page for seeing your progress throughout the requirements of graduation.

Degree Application - Apply for Bachelor of Arts Degree/Thayer Course Program Plan (For Engineering Sciences Majors only)
Apply for a degree/follow your degree path.


Academic Timetable of Class Meetings/Course Election and Registration/Non-Recording Option/Course Override Report/Course Enrollment Priorities
This is the screen for courses. It will allow you to more easily drop/add classes from the web, including a better method of finding them. It will also allow you to view classes in a better format (just browsing vs. adding). It allows you to control them in other ways by setting your NRO, and seeing override reports for each class. It also shows you enrollment priorities as you attempt to choose a class based on your customized status.

Course Assessment
This allows you to give course assessments for the valid classes that you haven't done already. This is linked to by the classes, and notifications go into the messages section when it opens up.

Schedule by Day & Time/Schedule Detail This is the section for your schedule. See it broken down, and see specifics.

D-Plan View/Edit
See your D-Plan, and edit what semesters you are on board. This may link in with DartPlan.com


Official Transcript/Unofficial Transcript - Web Version/Unofficial Transcript - PDF version/Holds View
The official place for all transcript information. Request the different types of transcripts, see what holds are on your transcript.

Grades by Term
Choose a term that you've been enrolled in and see your grades. It'll be better formatted than the current version.

See the citations that you've received. This is disabled until you have a citation.


Housing Priority Number Lookup

Housing - Room Assignment Notice

Housing - Room Inventory and Condition Form

Housing -- Star Portal

There's additionally a message notifications section. This keeps track of stuff like your citations, grades getting released, etc. and emails you.