Summer Break

Finally summer break, and I'm done with my freshman year. There's a bunch of projects that I've started but then pushed off, and now's the time to start kicking them into gear.



  • DartmouthRoomSearch build up - this needs to stylistically change and there's a bunch of features to add
  • Dartmouth ID redesign - work on redesigning and streamlining what we use as ID on campus (might print a few?)
  • Dartmouth ID copy - working out exactly how the magnetic/RFID works and seeing if it's replicable
  • DartmouthBanner API - finishing up and ironing out some things in Python API with interacting with banner
  • Dartmouth Banner redesign - need to continue going through and figuring out how to organize, and then see if i can code a working version (without the backend woo!)
  • Dartmouth Course Search redesign - the project has been practically abandoned by the hacker club and there's a LOT of improvements that can be made (make sure to look into integrating with student reviews? call Dartmouth)