
My dad has always really liked dogs. So, for his Christmas present I set up a script to send an email to him every day with a picture of a puppy. Recently, I decided to flesh out the code a fair amount to make it so that anyone could subscribe.

You can check out previous dogs and subscribe to the newsletter at It may at some point change to its own website, but at this point it didn't seem worth it. I also built in an admin panel, which allows you to view those subscribed, as well as view all of the future images that are loaded into the system (and add more images). I'm using an email template that is based off of the ones that MailChimp offers, modified for Dog-a-Day obviously.

Dog-a-Day Email

Feel free to sign up your friends and family! Every email has an unsubscribe link, so you won't be bothering anyone if they don't want it.